Dr. Clint Bruyere is dedicated to providing the best possible dental experience for residents of Longview, Hallsville, and other area communities. Therefore, he offers oral sedation, which can be a great benefit to many patients.
People with dental fear often describe themselves as “chickens” or “cowards.” However, it is not cowardice. It is a very real problem, and it keeps countless people from seeking the dental care that they desperately need every day. Dr. Bruyere and his caring staff understand this and they make every effort to deliver gentle dentistry in a comfortable environment.
Sometimes dental fear is a matter of logic – a person who has had a negative experience in the past is afraid of the same thing happening again. After a few painless, pleasant dental experiences, this kind of fear may simply fade away. In other cases, it is an actual phobia, just like fear of spiders or heights. Phobias can be difficult or impossible to overcome. For some people, no amount of logic or positive experiences counteracting negative ones can stop the gripping terror they feel in a dental office. However, safe, mild sedative medications can soothe away the anxiety and fear, for a genuinely relaxing experience.
Although sedation is requested most frequently by fearful patients, it has many other benefits. Because you are in a state of relaxation, your awareness of the passage of time is minimal. A lengthy, complex appointment may feel like it only lasted a few minutes. This is advantageous for impatient, restless, or hyperactive individuals, as well as those who get bored sitting in a dental chair.
When you are relaxed, your muscles are far less likely to cramp or fatigue from extended periods of sitting still. This, in combination with the lack of awareness of time, allows us to perform more work in a single appointment. If you need extensive dental work, it can be completed in fewer visits, taking some pressure off of your busy schedule.
If you are looking for an exceptionally gentle, stress free dental experience, call (903) 708-6116 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Bruyere today.