Chronic snoring isn’t just annoying to your bed partner — it can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. Snoring alongside morning headaches, fatigue, and poor concentration can be a sign of sleep apnea — a serious sleep disorder that causes cessation of breathing when sleeping.
Most medical practitioners use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to treat sleep apnea. While this therapy works, many patients need to complete treatment as they find it noisy, uncomfortable, and cumbersome. If you can’t tolerate a CPAP, Clint Bruyere, DDS in Longview, Texas, offers a simple yet effective treatment. Oral appliance therapy uses a custom-made dental device to manage snoring and sleep apnea for a restful night’s sleep.
Sleep apnea occurs when a person stops breathing when sleeping. Although the stoppage in breathing happens briefly for about 10 seconds, these episodes may occur up to a hundred times a night. As a result, your body doesn’t get an adequate oxygen supply, and you don’t get sufficient restorative sleep.
Untreated sleep apnea can have a ripple effect on your health. When your sleep patterns are disrupted night after night, this may strain your major organs, resulting in numerous health complications like:
Lack of restful sleep affects you at night and lingers until the following day. Sleep apnea sufferers have poor concentration, which increases the chances of accidents at work or when driving, which can lead to injuries and death to you or others around you. Indeed, sleep apnea isn’t a laughing matter!
Although sleep apnea is a life-threatening condition, it’s easily manageable when detected early. Dr. Clint Bruyere uses a tailor-made dental device — similar to a sports mouthguard — to treat sleep apnea. This oral appliance puts your jaw in an optimal position and prevents your tongue from collapsing. A custom sleep apnea dental guard keeps your airway open when sleeping, helping you get the relaxing sleep you deserve.
The benefits of using an oral appliance to treat sleep apnea include:
If you’re losing the battle to sleep apnea, allow us to help. We offer effective yet comfortable treatment to overcome sleep apnea for restful sleep and optimal health. Please call