Patients in the areas of Longview, Texas and Hallsville, TX are welcome at the practice of Dr. Clint Bruyere! He provides patients in the community with a wide range of dentistry solutions for repairing the smile, including the popular dental implants!
Dr. Clint Bruyere describes dental implants to patients as tooth root replacements. Tooth root replacements are used to address missing teeth within the smile. When patients have lost teeth from periodontal disease, injury, large cavities, or other conditions, they will need to replace them with a reliable solution to ensure their smile is beautiful, healthy, and efficient. Dental implants are often the treatment of choice, as they are made from titanium metal and provide a sturdy foundation for crowns, bridges, or dentures. These implants are placed during oral surgery into the bone and provide permanent replacement.
Patients have many options when it comes to replacing missing teeth including dental implants, dentures, and dental bridges. However, dental implants are considered the “gold standard” in restorative dentistry as they have many benefits that cannot be matched by the alternatives. Dental implants:
Dental implants are strong, durable, and provide patients with a lifetime of beautiful smiles. They are highly recommended for patients who have sufficient bone structure available for successful placement and functionality.
Implant dentistry is just a phone call away! Contact Dr. Clint Bruyere and his team today by calling (903) 708-6116 and speaking to the front office team available at 444 Forest Square, Suite G in Longview, Texas. His staff is ready and willing to provide quality, comprehensive dentistry for new and existing patients in the community.